“The Pharmacist Caught in the Office” Cartoon
Do you often wish your pharmacy staff or direct report(s) would perform better? Wish you had the skills to manage them better?
The Pharmacist Caught in the Office by Chen Yen on GoAnimate
Find yourself feeling this way about your contract pharmacists? What if this didn’t have to happen to you so much? Click here for your options.
Sometimes less is more. So for this article, I’d like to leave you with a few powerful quotes about effective management to contemplate. Pick your favorite one to work on today:
“Leadership is a reciprocal process. In order for people to follow you, they must trust and believe in you. And in order for people to trust and believe in you, you must first trust and believe in them.” (Not just saying the words “I believe in you”, but the feeling of really believing in them)
“The only way to systematically improve individual performance is to consistently give constructive coaching and developmental feedback.”
“Coaching is not merely something that you, as a manager, must do. A Coach is someone that you, as a leader, must become.”
“To get your team to become coachable, you must first become coachable. To get your team to open up, you must first open up. To get your team to embrace developmental feedback, you must first embrace developmental feedback. As a coach, you set the standard for your team to follow. And your personal example is the most powerful leadership tool you have.”
“Great coaches consistently get the most out of their people because they consistently put the most into their people.”
Don’t think a weekly coaching conversation is possible in the pharmacy? Think again. Read the book and decide for yourself. It’s a short read:
How often do you feel like this in the pharmacy? Comment below on your challenges and solutions to this problem. Share what you’ve found to be most helpful with motivating your pharmacy staff to their best performance.