When Pharmacy Management Doesn’t Listen
One frustration pharmacists express frequently when they are tired of their current job is that management doesn’t listen to their ideas. What challenges do you experience that keep you from bringing ideas to your supervisor?
Here are quick tips on how to overcome challenges with your pharmacy supervisor not being receptive to your ideas:
- STEP 1: Come up with a few solutions for the problem(s) you plan to bring up. This way, your supervisor does not see you as just a complainer, but a problem-solver.
- STEP 2: Talk about your suggestion from the perspective of what it would do for the pharmacy, pharmacy manager/director, or the rest of the pharmacy staff (or everyone who would be involved with the suggestion you’re making).
- STEP 3: Tell them how you are a part of the solution. Describe what your ideas are and what role you will play in the solution. Pharmacy supervisors/managers like it when you are not just making more work for them, but you will help them implement what you want to see.
STEP 4: If you are turned down by your supervisor, ask him/her, “What are your hesitations about my suggestions?” “What additional information do you need to help you make a decision with this suggestion?” “What are the challenges you foresee with this suggestion?” “What other kinds of solutions do you suggest?” If you are certain your solution is the answer to the problem you are noticing/experiencing, tell your supervisor “maybe we can try it for awhile and I can help you test it. At the end of (agreed duration), you can evaluate it and decide if it makes sense”.
If your suggestion was still turned down by your pharmacy manager, keep in mind that you can ask again when you have more information to support your suggestion, or when the timing is different.
If your suggestion was accepted, go back to your supervisor with a progress report in a timely manner that is mutually discussed.
Read more on our blog on about how to overcome other pharmacy workplace challenges, including Gossiping and Backstabbing in the Pharmacy.