What makes you unhappy about your current pharmacy job?
From talking to thousands of pharmacists over the years, I’ve heard many stories about what makes a pharmacist decide to leave their job. We recently told pharmacy directors the common reasons for their pharmacists’ job dissatisfaction. That way pharmacy directors can think about doing things differently. Read below and tell me what you think by posting your comment below. Do you agree?
What are the main reasons you left your last position (or are considering to leave your current one)?
The biggest complaint pharmacists share with me about why they leave their jobs is because of issues with the schedule. The most commonissue is becoming tired of a variable schedule, because it makes it hard to plan a personal life. It’s harder to plan taking fun classes/workshops, organize rides for kids related to school activities, and coordinate time to hang out with friends or family. Not knowing the schedule far in advance is another issue.
Another common reason for deciding to leave a job is not feeling valued by pharmacy management. Many pharmacists feel management does not acknowledge and recognize them for their contribution. It’s also frustrating when management doesn’t listen to feedback.
Finally, a third reason why pharmacists leave their current job is the lack of opportunity to grow professionally. They’re pigeon-holed into a position and their strengths and interests aren’t able to shine through. For example, the pharmacists don’t see it possible to do more clinical work, grow their management skills, or do more of what they enjoy doing in their current roles.
Ready to leave your job, or thinking about it? Find out your options. You may qualify for a pharmacist job market expert (who has the “in” with pharmacy directors) to network on your behalf for positions that interest you.
Comment below on whether you agree with the top reasons why pharmacists tend to leave their jobs. And if you’re unhappy now, why do you want to leave?
Comments are accepted anonymously if you don’t want anyone to know who you are!