Countdown Towards Retirement Around the Corner
Are you planning on retiring soon? I still remember a pharmacist I worked with who was ready to retire within a few months, and he had a countdown on his computer that counted down the days, minutes, seconds to retirement. Are you doing that too? 🙂
Aside from getting excited, there are things (aside from your new retired life and evaluating your benefits) to start thinking about before the transition.
Here are 3 simple effective tips for making a smooth transition for the pharmacy you’re leaving behind:
1. Pass On Your Insider Secrets –
Start thinking about what items will need your specific training on to pass the ball after you retire. Sure, there are policies and procedures in place for the basic needs of the pharmacy or office, but what about those pharmacy-specific tidbits that you have picked up over the years?
Your next steps:
As you go about your regular work for a couple weeks, write down a list of things that would be good for your next-in-line to know about after you retire. Think about things like who the best contact person is for various common (or tough) issues that arise, who to call when you are short-staffed, or any other time-saving tips that you learned on your own. Save your successor from having to discover it the hard way through trial and error like you did. They will thank you for it!
2. Introducing Your Heir –
There are a lot of people who are in contact with you on a regular basis and who count on you in their jobs. Instead of just sending out a mass announcement about your last date, take the time to give a personal call to all your important contacts.
It doesn’t have to take a lot of time. You can even combine it into a call that you’ll be making to them anyway. When you talk to them, share:
- Who your replacement will be, how to reach them, and when the change takes place.
- Give them a chance to ask questions so they feel at ease about the transition.
- Send a general FYI email that reiterates what you covered on the phone, so they have that for reference.
Finally, send a quick reminder email during your last week to everyone involved. It will jog everyone’s memory about your last day, so they remember to switch gears.
3. Start Thinking About Your Post-Retirement Plans –
For the first few months after your official retirement, you will most likelywant to rest, relax, and enjoy your new-found free time. Many times, retired pharmacy directors want to stay connected to the pharmacy and keep their skills in practice. A good flexible option for this is working as an IHS/Tribal Contract Pharmacist, so you can have both.
Did you know that 50% of our current contract pharmacists at RPh Temp Service are retired pharmacy directors? Doing travel assignments gives you the freedom to choose when and where you want to work.
Want to work just a few months out of the year? Or maybe you’d rather work a few weeks here and there over the course of the year. Contracting lets you stay in the pharmacy on your terms.
Start shopping around for an agency early. That way you know your options. When you qualify to work for an agency that is well-connected, you’ll be kept in the loop for assignments that will be perfect for you. That way, when the right one arises, you can take it at a moment’s notice with no hassles.