What Happened in 2010 Stays in 2010
2010 was rough for some of you. If it wasn’t rough, you may have seen your pharmacist colleagues or friends/family go through tough times either relating to a pharmacist job or their personal/financial life. The time when pharmacists could breathe and get jobs effortlessly was nowhere to be found. Even those of you who had jobs felt the crunch of budget cuts impacting your pharmacy or your life personally. Having money went from something we took for granted, to something we cherished.
As I reflect on 2010, I admit it was rough for me. I was frustrated because I had big ideas of helping you work a fulfilling job AND live the ultimate lifestyle, but was not able to carry it out in the way I wanted to. Although I got clearer on what I thought was my passion, I didn’t have clarity and the resources lined up to best to carry it out. I was wanting to serve too many of you personally & trying to “do it all” even though I have a strong team who could. As a result, you were not served in the way you could have been. I was also very passionate about serving you that I didn’t value my own free time. I was getting burnt out and started not being able to see the forest from the trees. The core of what I teach is working a fulfilling job and living the ultimate lifestyle, and yet I wasn’t doing it last year. No wonder it flopped.
The gift of last year was that it was a breakthrough year for me. As times were tough, I got clear on my true passion (which I will share with you later in this article) in a way that I haven’t before, and now I am ready for a big leap!
Are you ready for a drastic change, or do you want to hold on to slow change?
I was listening to a call last night put on by one of my business colleagues, and it made so much sense as it applies to pharmacists too. Making small changes is actually harder & slower than making a big leap. What have you been meaning to do to be more centered with your passion or purpose, but have been putting off because you don’t have time? Is the pharmacist job you are in currently the best reflection of your calling? Or is it one that saps your energy and you think you “have to” do it because of different reasons? (ie, financial)
About drastic or slow change, I think about my Outlook email inbox that had around 20,000 messages a month ago and how I had been working on gradually going through my massive inbox over the last year, but all that happened was it grew like a monster.
I decided that I was finally done with it, and made the decision to get it down to 5,000 and then hand it over to someone to help me organize. I asked for my Facebook friends to keep me accountable. Over 3 weeks, I’m down to 14,980. It was definitely a lot faster than what I’ve done over the year because this time I’m determined for a drastic change! Hey, and I am looking for your help to hold me accountable to clearing it to 10,000 or less by end of the month.
How are you choosing to live your passion & purpose? Do you know it without a doubt yet? If you do, have you tried but can’t seem to leap into living your passion & purpose daily?
Here are 3 of 5 the valuable lessons I learned from 2010 about uncovering & living my passion:
Lesson #1. About uncovering my passion: I thought I had it uncovered, but once I truly really realized it, everything became clear in hindsight. Why I did everything that led me up to this point was clear. It’s one of those things that appear so obvious once you truly realize it, but if you are to be asked what your passion & purpose, many of you probably aren’t sure right now what it is.
I thought I uncovered my passion in 2009, but wondered about it in 2010—I still doubted it. Everything pointed to it (teaching is my passion) in 2010 and now I am ready to make it happen! My purpose is something which I will share at a later time.
Lesson #2. It’s the small things that, when looming over you, can keep you from moving forward with the energy & enthusiasm that’s possible. Aka my email inbox. I used to always keep up with my email, but there just became a point when I couldn’t handle it all anymore, but I wasn’t willing to let go of handling most of it. Now I am. To be honest, I was clouding my purpose with distractions. Distractions of getting emails about things that would divert me off track from what was truly important.
Lesson #3. Even though times were tough, I always trusted in the universe and felt fulfilled. I lived in the moment as much as I could, and appreciated the gift of life and being able to experience all that I did last year. I trusted that everything would turn out. I stepped out with greater clarity about how I would help my pharmacist community in a way that’s aligned with my passion & purpose. And to give myself the gift of time for me because rejuvenating is important.
I want to prepare you for stepping into the biggest & best year of working a fulfilling job & living the ultimate lifestyle: rich personal & career experiences, and financial security. If you want to step into that journey with me this year as I help you step into a more fulfilled and new you, join me in a surprise upcoming FREE teleseminar series (scroll down to register for the first event). Hint—these will help you step into a fulfilling job and live the ultimate lifestyle (including financially)…PLUS most importantly, live your passion.
Enter your Name & Email below to be the first to save your spot for the first teleseminar, in the series.
Happy New Year and may this be YOUR year to shine!
Secrets to Living Your Passion in 2011: Yes…Even as a Pharmacist!
Wednesday, January 19th
5:30pm PST / 6:30pm MST / 7:30pm CST / 8:30pm EST
We’re sorry, this event has already taken place.
“Is this what I really signed up for?” “Is this all there is?”
You are not alone–pharmacists tell me that every day. Make 2011 the year that’s all about you. Stop settling & recapture passion in your job & life!
Join us in a FREE Teleseminar to learn:
- Why New Year’s Resolutions can work against you
- The one test to tell the difference between a good idea & your true purpose
- How I went from an unfulfilling pharmacist job to running a business with passion – things I haven’t shared with anyone before
- 3 secrets to go from frustrated, burnt out, or broke…
to financial security, freedom, & fulfillment.
You’ll wish you knew them earlier…
- Immediate steps to take to see results in 90 days
Come away with the next steps to live your passion, have more time, make more money, & be more fulfilled in 2011 like you never have before!
Enter your name and email below to reserve your spot: