Pharmacists: 10 Questions You Must Ask Before Accepting a Job
It’s a popular time of the year for pharmacists to look for jobs, with many new grads and pharmacy residents finishing up between now and June. Curious about when the best times are to apply for jobs? Click here to read a previous article about this.
Some pharmacists are concerned about not finding the right job in this market and are open to positions outside of what they would normally consider. But being “open to everything” can hurt you when you apply for positions.
Even when the pharmacy job market is tough, having a clear idea about the position you want will help you attract what you want. This will help you target your search and make a positive impression. At the same time, you want to be flexible during the decision-making process, because it is a tough job market, especially if you want to get into a position that leads to your desired career.
A common mistake for new pharmacy grads is primarily considering salary and becoming jaded after a few years. The decisions you make may be influences by the fact that it’s “just your first pharmacist job,” but the decisions you make in the first few years can shape your career path, so it’s worth spending time to pinpoint what’s important to you aside from setting or salary.
Before you say “Yes,” to your next position, think about the long-term implications of accepting a position. Here are 10 questions to ask yourself before accepting a position:
- How does the pharmacy/company’s values align with my values?
- Does the geographic area offer me what I enjoy doing in my spare time?
- How is my fit with the management and the pharmacy staff?
- Can I see myself here in 3-5 years?
Here are some insightful questions to ask a pharmacist in the position you will be working in to help you make your decision:
- What’s a typical workday like?
- What do you like best about what you do?
- What do you like least about what you do?
- How independently do you get to make decisions?
- What do you think the pharmacy will be like in one year & five years?
- Does this position set me up for growth in my career the way I want to?BONUS Question to Ask:
What changes would you make about the pharmacy if you could?
Want to find out the best way to approach getting the inside scoop to positions? Learn how to tap into the hidden job market and hear about positions before they come out.
And when you hear about a position, learn how to stand out from other pharmacists with similar background as you.
Listen to the FREE Teleseminar (Instant Access):
“How to Tap into the Hidden Job Market to Beat Your Competition to the Interview” to tap into the hidden job market. This is a prerequisite to the Advanced Hidden Job Market Bootcamp.
NOTE: Even though the live Advanced “Hidden Job Market Bootcamp” dates are over, you may get instant access at the special tuition.
How to Find Pharmacy Jobs Before they Come Out
Q: Chen, why is it that all the jobs that are posted on different pharmacy job boards and websites, when I actually apply, those jobs don’t exist? How should I go about searching for a job?
A: If you are applying for jobs online, you are already one step late to the game compared to some pharmacists who have heard about it before the job has been posted. In the current job market, although there are more pharmacy job openings than last year, things move fast for desirable positions because there are still many pharmacists looking. When a position is posted online and is desirable (especially geographically), many applicants flood in.
By the time you get to applying, sometimes the positions are filled already. Why do you often encounter this? Just as it took time for a hiring manager to post a job, it also takes time to remove a job posting. This is why you may still see a position posted even though it’s already been filled. Busy hiring managers simply haven’t had a chance to take them down yet.
Other times, a pharmacy may be still accepting applicants and it’s your responsibility to get yourself noticed through strategies I teach (and which most pharmacists aren’t doing), plus having a resume that stands out from your competition. The first step to increasing your chances of being noticed for an interview is to understand how the hiring process works, allowing you to stay ahead of the game.
Once a hiring manager receives a certain number of applicants, he/she will likely review the first batch before moving to the second batch. However, there is some luck to this and it’s not black and white. Depending on the mood of the hiring manager, he/she may choose to look at the more recent batch of applicants rather than the earlier ones. But as a general rule, if a hiring manager is staying on top of reviewing resumes, once he/she has determined that they have a good selection of applicants, they will not look at applicants who come in later, unless you give them a reason to. What to do and say to give them a reason to look at you is an important part of what my training programs teach.
Job aggregate sites are now more common than before, such as sites like These sites make it easier for you to find relevant positions, but also make the jobs more visible to other pharmacists. By the time you’ve applied, so have 15, 50 or 100+ pharmacists who have seen them on other sites.
So what do you do instead? To improve your chances for getting interviews, one important strategy to learn is how to tap into the hidden job market. This is especially true for pharmacists looking for general positions, such as staff pharmacist or clinical pharmacist roles. Specialized positions such as pediatric pharmacist jobs, pharmacy clinical coordinator jobs, or pharmacy director jobs take longer to fill, so those job openings may stay up longer.
That’s not to say that you should stop applying for jobs online. A successful way to look for pharmacy positions is a combination of searching online (and responding in a way that stands out by NOT doing what everyone else is doing) and other strategies that I will be teaching in the Tapping Into the Hidden Job Market Bootcamp.
In the meantime, join me in this FREE Teleseminar:
“How to Tap Into the Hidden Job Market to Beat Your Competition to the Interview”:
Thurs Feb 24, 2011
(Register even if you cannot make it—you will be informed when it is held again)
You will learn:
- How to hear about jobs before they’re advertised
- Ways to get into a job that most pharmacists don’t know about
- 3 common mistakes pharmacist make that keep them from getting interviews
- How to find a good job when the job market is tight
- BONUS: The best keywords to search for when looking for jobs
What Happened in 2010 Stays in 2010
2010 was rough for some of you. If it wasn’t rough, you may have seen your pharmacist colleagues or friends/family go through tough times either relating to a pharmacist job or their personal/financial life. The time when pharmacists could breathe and get jobs effortlessly was nowhere to be found. Even those of you who had jobs felt the crunch of budget cuts impacting your pharmacy or your life personally. Having money went from something we took for granted, to something we cherished.
As I reflect on 2010, I admit it was rough for me. I was frustrated because I had big ideas of helping you work a fulfilling job AND live the ultimate lifestyle, but was not able to carry it out in the way I wanted to. Although I got clearer on what I thought was my passion, I didn’t have clarity and the resources lined up to best to carry it out. I was wanting to serve too many of you personally & trying to “do it all” even though I have a strong team who could. As a result, you were not served in the way you could have been. I was also very passionate about serving you that I didn’t value my own free time. I was getting burnt out and started not being able to see the forest from the trees. The core of what I teach is working a fulfilling job and living the ultimate lifestyle, and yet I wasn’t doing it last year. No wonder it flopped.
The gift of last year was that it was a breakthrough year for me. As times were tough, I got clear on my true passion (which I will share with you later in this article) in a way that I haven’t before, and now I am ready for a big leap!
Are you ready for a drastic change, or do you want to hold on to slow change?
I was listening to a call last night put on by one of my business colleagues, and it made so much sense as it applies to pharmacists too. Making small changes is actually harder & slower than making a big leap. What have you been meaning to do to be more centered with your passion or purpose, but have been putting off because you don’t have time? Is the pharmacist job you are in currently the best reflection of your calling? Or is it one that saps your energy and you think you “have to” do it because of different reasons? (ie, financial)
About drastic or slow change, I think about my Outlook email inbox that had around 20,000 messages a month ago and how I had been working on gradually going through my massive inbox over the last year, but all that happened was it grew like a monster.
I decided that I was finally done with it, and made the decision to get it down to 5,000 and then hand it over to someone to help me organize. I asked for my Facebook friends to keep me accountable. Over 3 weeks, I’m down to 14,980. It was definitely a lot faster than what I’ve done over the year because this time I’m determined for a drastic change! Hey, and I am looking for your help to hold me accountable to clearing it to 10,000 or less by end of the month.
How are you choosing to live your passion & purpose? Do you know it without a doubt yet? If you do, have you tried but can’t seem to leap into living your passion & purpose daily?
Here are 3 of 5 the valuable lessons I learned from 2010 about uncovering & living my passion:
Lesson #1. About uncovering my passion: I thought I had it uncovered, but once I truly really realized it, everything became clear in hindsight. Why I did everything that led me up to this point was clear. It’s one of those things that appear so obvious once you truly realize it, but if you are to be asked what your passion & purpose, many of you probably aren’t sure right now what it is.
I thought I uncovered my passion in 2009, but wondered about it in 2010—I still doubted it. Everything pointed to it (teaching is my passion) in 2010 and now I am ready to make it happen! My purpose is something which I will share at a later time.
Lesson #2. It’s the small things that, when looming over you, can keep you from moving forward with the energy & enthusiasm that’s possible. Aka my email inbox. I used to always keep up with my email, but there just became a point when I couldn’t handle it all anymore, but I wasn’t willing to let go of handling most of it. Now I am. To be honest, I was clouding my purpose with distractions. Distractions of getting emails about things that would divert me off track from what was truly important.
Lesson #3. Even though times were tough, I always trusted in the universe and felt fulfilled. I lived in the moment as much as I could, and appreciated the gift of life and being able to experience all that I did last year. I trusted that everything would turn out. I stepped out with greater clarity about how I would help my pharmacist community in a way that’s aligned with my passion & purpose. And to give myself the gift of time for me because rejuvenating is important.
I want to prepare you for stepping into the biggest & best year of working a fulfilling job & living the ultimate lifestyle: rich personal & career experiences, and financial security. If you want to step into that journey with me this year as I help you step into a more fulfilled and new you, join me in a surprise upcoming FREE teleseminar series (scroll down to register for the first event). Hint—these will help you step into a fulfilling job and live the ultimate lifestyle (including financially)…PLUS most importantly, live your passion.
Enter your Name & Email below to be the first to save your spot for the first teleseminar, in the series.
Happy New Year and may this be YOUR year to shine!
Secrets to Living Your Passion in 2011: Yes…Even as a Pharmacist!
Wednesday, January 19th
5:30pm PST / 6:30pm MST / 7:30pm CST / 8:30pm EST
We’re sorry, this event has already taken place.
“Is this what I really signed up for?” “Is this all there is?”
You are not alone–pharmacists tell me that every day. Make 2011 the year that’s all about you. Stop settling & recapture passion in your job & life!
Join us in a FREE Teleseminar to learn:
- Why New Year’s Resolutions can work against you
- The one test to tell the difference between a good idea & your true purpose
- How I went from an unfulfilling pharmacist job to running a business with passion – things I haven’t shared with anyone before
- 3 secrets to go from frustrated, burnt out, or broke…
to financial security, freedom, & fulfillment.
You’ll wish you knew them earlier…
- Immediate steps to take to see results in 90 days
Come away with the next steps to live your passion, have more time, make more money, & be more fulfilled in 2011 like you never have before!
Enter your name and email below to reserve your spot:
After ASHP Midyear – Business Cards in the Drawer?
Are your business cards still in your drawer after ASHP Midyear or other pharmacy conference? If so, read Part I of this article on what to do right away before they become clutter in your drawer. Don’t miss out on some of the most long-lasting benefits of attending a pharmacy conference that most pharmacists overlook.
(In pharmacy school, I remember hearing that it’s not what you know, but who you know. Looking back, I find this to be so true and wish I recognized this earlier. I’d like to take it a step further and say “It’s not what you know, but the relationships you grow to help each other.” You get catapulted faster in the direction you want by having the support around you vs. doing it alone.)
If you are a pharmacy director who has an assistant, you can have your assistant take over pieces of what to do immediately after the pharmacy conference in Week One. Here are two more quick things to do before Week Two:
- Week One– Never under-estimate the value of a handwritten card or postcard. Following an event like ASHP Midyear Meeting, email inboxes can be backed up with emails from being away from the conference. They can blend right in with yours and get lost in the shuffle. Choose at least a few key contacts and mail a thoughtfully written thank you note that expresses how you enjoyed meeting them and that you look forward to helping them/working with them soon or down the road. Wish them the best, and let them know that you will stay in touch.Taking this extra step is memorable, simply because it is not often done and you will stand out. Come from the perspective of connecting and giving, rather than asking for anything in the note. It is a gesture of appreciation and/or helping. Try to send as many notes as possible in the weeks following the conference.BONUS “No-Procrastination” Tip: To make things as easy as possible, before you attend another pharmacy conference, bring blank cards or postcards and stamps with you to the conference. Write your handwritten note in your hotel room or on the plane ride home.
In this week, pick up the phone and call your top 3 priority connections. These are connections whom you either really hit it off with personally and want to grow that connection, or whom you can mutually benefit professionally in an immediate way. For example, your expertise or a connection you have aligns with something that your new pharmacist friend needs right now.
You may be nodding your head because you understand the benefits of taking action right away. If it’s not simple and easy, I guarantee you will not do it. You have too much on your plate already as a busy pharmacist.
“If you’ve always done what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got…” Do you want to experience a new way of developing relationships and networking which will give you help and resources that you need at the most unexpected times, or do you want to stuff business cards in your drawer? It’s your choice.
This is simple, so do it and comment on your experiences below. Stay tuned for the next step of what to do to make the most out of your new relationship with another pharmacist/other contact.
After ASHP Midyear – It’s Not Just About You
I was talking to pharmacists who have come back from ASHP Midyear & we all agreed this was a common thing to procrastinate on when coming back from the meeting…so here are easy action steps you can take right away.
You’ve attended the ASHP Midyear Meeting and met other pharmacists & new contacts. Some you were excited to meet & made strong connections with. Others you met and it was just a gesture of courtesy that you accepted their business card– you did not see how they would be a match for you. Now you’re back home with a huge stack of business cards, flyers, and notes.
If you’re like most busy pharmacists & pharmacy directors, you come back and stash them in a desk drawer with the intention of using them in the future when you have a need to connect with that person. Or maybe you are well-intentioned to connect now, but keep procrastinating until that connection is not as memorable.
Unfortunately, many people only follow-up after networking events if they can see a direct, immediate benefit to themselves. Using that approach will cause you to miss out on opportunities that you can mutually support each other with.
Networking is not about meeting people and taking what you can from them at this moment and time. It is about relationship building and creating long-lasting, mutually beneficial connections that can follow you throughout your pharmacy career. It is also about reaching out to others to see what you can help them with. By doing this, you will actually be amazed with the support you receive from others relating what you need.
This year, make a plan for getting to know your new pharmacist and other contacts.
• During ASHP Midyear (you can do this next year, or at future pharmacy conferences) – Write short phrases and memorable things about each person so you will be able to remember them later on. Add project or networking ideas while they are still fresh in your mind. Write down one thing you can help them with, whether it’s an introduction you can make for them, something they need help with, or just to develop a friendship with.
Include on the business card what someone looked like or was wearing. You think you may remember what they look like now—but you may scratch your head later.
• Immediately after the conference (click below to read more):
What I am Thankful For – It’s NOT Pharmacy
As the year comes to an end, I am thankful for the experience you have allowed me to give you this year. I am appreciative of all of you who are a part of my pharmacist community & who inspire me to fulfill my mission. Thank you for letting me live my passion of teaching and inspiring you to work a fulfilling job AND live the ultimate life.
Many of you have been offered pharmacy jobs you want under my guidance. You have learned not to settle (in the big picture perspective) for what you want, as you took what I taught and implemented it in your job search.
A pharmacy career that has at moments given me doubt and made me question why I went into pharmacy….has evolved into my helping you get jobs and interviews faster. It was an indirect path to living my passion (I came from a few generations of teachers). And for that, I am grateful.
I confess, I wrote the title just to catch your attention.
May you finish out the year feeling grateful for how you’ve touched patients’ lives. May you feel thankful for being a pharmacist, which has taken you to a place where you are today– both professionally and personally. May you enjoy this journey of discovery to live your passion within pharmacy (or maybe outside of pharmacy). Let’s continue along in our journey together. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving , and may we enjoy the rest of this year & start out next year in gratitude.
ASHP Midyear – Setting Yourself Up to Be Overlooked for Pharmacist Jobs
ASHP Clinical Midyear Meeting is coming around the corner.
A lot of pharmacists who go to ASHP to interview for a residency or job think their experience or personality will speak for itself…until they show up and see that they are only part of a herd of cattle. Everyone is dressed in dark suits and being asked the same interview questions. Do you realize how everyone starts to sound the same and resumes look the same after awhile?
(For those of you who are NOT going….if you are job hunting right now, do you know confidently that you will beat out your competition?)
Here’s how to stop being part of the herd of cattle. If you miss an important step, you will be in the herd.
1. Figure out what’s important to you. Write down your preferred job situation (practice setting environment, schedule, salary, geographic location). Take a moment to think about your “must haves” and “negotiable” desires.
Be clear about why you want a new job. Not only is it important to figure this out for yourself, a potential employer will want to know this. If your desire for the position doesn’t make sense (ie, you are not wanting the job for the right reasons), you are less likely to stay. As a result, you may be a less desirable pharmacist candidate to an employer, so you are less attractive. You are also not likely to be as happy in your new job.
2. Figure out how to impress, starting out with your sizzle. Your sizzle is your unique pizzaz that makes you special from any other pharmacist. It inspires a hiring manager to want more. You will use it to write your resume that rises to the top and to make your first impression in a conversation with a hiring manager. You will also use your sizzle in the interview to stand out from your competition.
This foundation to your job search will move you from feeling frustrated to taking control of your job search. Creating your sizzle is step one of the 5-step formula I teach in the Kick Ass Resume Bootcamp to help you rise to the top of the resume pile. Get access to the free prerequisite training teleseminar: “5 Simple Secrets: How to Write a Kick Ass Resume that Stops YOU From Getting Tossed.”
3. Tap into the hidden job market. This is one of the biggest challenges you have shared with me. How to find jobs before other pharmacists find out about them and how to approach your interest. Stay tuned—I will be teaching this soon.
4. Create a resume that rises to the top of the pile. Learn the #1 thing you need to change about how you’re writing your resumes, if you care to get noticed (not knowing this can cost you many interviews). Write a resume that leaves a hiring manager wanting more & inviting you in for an interview.
5. Ace the interview with confidence. I will be creating a series of videos to help you get the edge in your interviews at the ASHP Midyear Meeting or elsewhere. Be the first to get them when they come out.
Do you want to be busy in your job search, or do you want more interviews and job offers to choose from? Evaluate whether you have currently control of your job search and what you will do differently to gain control back.
Wishing you all luck when you get to your interviews. Whether you learn from me or someone else, learn from a pharmacist job market expert whose job is to get pharmacists on the top of the resume pile. Don’t rely solely on fellow pharmacists, preceptors, or professors who may have a limited view of what it’s taking to beat out the competition right now.
If you are doing all of the above….and there isn’t something fundamentally wrong with your work history (ie, frequent job hopping), your fit with the company, or how well you get along with others, you should be getting offers you deserve….even in this tough job market.