When the Mirror Says It All
Have you ever felt frustrated with your patients and felt that you were right and your patients were idiots for how they treated you?
The next time you experience this as you are working in the pharmacy, look inward. You may notice that people reflect back to you what you don’t see in yourself. When you consider someone is an idiot for being angry and yelling at you, ask yourself if you embrace considering yourself as an idiot. As humans, we have the capacity of a range of emotions and characteristics. If you embrace that capacity in yourself to be an idiot, the incident of someone else yelling at you will not spark any emotional reaction.
Instead, you will just witness it without feeling a triggered emotion. You will less likely internalize it and respond with an emotional reaction that upsets you.
Try filling in the blank. For example, rather than not embracing being an “idiot”, you may get upset when your pharmacist co-workers are angry and controlling. Chances are, you have not embraced the part of yourself that is an angry, controlling person. Take steps in loving that part of yourself that is angry and controlling.
The more you are able to witness your thoughts and not pass judgment, the freer you will feel. This will empower you in your work as a pharmacist as well as your personal life.
Try it! Post your opinion below–I want to hear about it!